About SylphMoon
I’m Roni Vitch and I’m the artist behind SylphMoon Art.
I create fantasy illustrations and paintings that are a showcase of my own world. A lot of the inspiration for my work comes from myth, history, and of course nature. Incorporating moths, mushrooms, and carnivorous plants into these themes has always been enjoyable to me.
I began drawing very young and often only had access to pencils, ballpoint pens, and cheap paper. This limitation cultivated a love of grayscale and black and white art. As a teen I became obsessed with manga primarily due to the black and white nature of the artwork and this definitely influenced my art. Recently I have been working a lot more in color as a way to broaden my abilities more and play with more mediums.

As as young adult I obtained an associate’s degree in Interactive Media Design and while I do not currently work in the field I incorporate so many of the design principles I learned in my work. Currently I work during the day and create art at night when I’m not playing with my cat.
My art brand is focused on expanding my YouTube channel. Over time I plan on expanding into better print options and other products. I have so many paintings planned for the next year. I’m really looking forward to sharing my work and the creation process.